I had no intention of making this wreath but..., one of the girls (Lisa) at the shop is always making the cutest stuff!!!! We always want to make what she has made. I used the extra large Clover Pom Pom maker but if you don't have access to that use a piece of cardboard and wrap them the old fashioned way. This is super easy to do!! This is what you need to make it:
16 inch straw wreath
7-8 skeins of fat fiber yarn
Glue gun
Floral pins
Clover extra large Pom Pom maker
I used 7 skeins of yarn and my wreath has about 38 white Pom poms. It is better to use a chunky fiber yarn. The Clover yo yo maker has easy to follow directions. If you are using a piece of cardboard just make sure you are consistent with the size. Start by opening Yo Yo maker both ends and begin wrapping yarn around leaving a small tail
Clover Extra Large Yo Yo maker
Open both sides
Wrap yarn leaving a small tail
Wrap yarn so it's pretty thick, and covers the blue, drag the yarn across and repeat on other side.
After you have wrapped both sides, close both sides. With a sharp pair of scissors cut the wrapped yarn. Do not open it up yet!!
Wrapping both sides nice and tight
Close the yo yo maker
Using a sharp pair of scissors cut both sides. Do not open it yet!
Now before opening up again, tie and knot a strand of yarn, make sure and pull this nice and tight so you have a tight Pom Pom. Open up the arms of the maker and fluff up and give it a haircut trimming off any long pieces.
Once you have made all your pom pom's start gluing and pinning on to your wreath until the entire thing is covered. Fluff and trim it up. You could add a ribbon or embellish it. You know have a knock off of the Anthropologie yarn pom pom wreath.