Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Drawstring backpack pattern

If your new years resolution is to get into shape, maybe having a cute bag to tote to the gym will make it a little easier and more enjoyable.

Drawstring backpack


½ yard outer fabric

½ yard lining fabric

1 yard light weight iron interfacing (Stacy)

4 yards of cording. 9/32 is recommended

**All seams are ½ inch unless specified differently**

Cut a 40 inch by 14 inch piece on the fold from both the outer and lining fabrics.

Cut 2 4 x 14 inch pieces from the outer fabric. These will be your casings for the drawstring.

Cut interfacing to 36x14 and iron to the wrong side of the outer fabric. Center the interfacing. This allows for easier gathering.

With the outer fabric sew right sides together down both ends stopping 1 inch from the fold (which will be the bottom) *****stopping 1 inch from the bottom is important for later********

Turn right side out and iron.

With the two casing piece fold the short ends in ½ inch and press.
Fold the pieces in ½ the long ways and edge stitch to hold.

Sew casing onto the right side of the outer bag matching the raw edges. Short ends of the casing should remain open.

Sew the lining piece right sides together on the sides. Make sure to leave a 4 inch opening on one side to turn the bag through.  the opening is between the two black marks.

With Right sides together slide the outer bag into the lining. Matching up side seams. Make sure casing is tucked down in.

Sew around the top edge.

Pull throw the opening in the lining and push out the corners.

Sew the opening in the lining closed
Push the lining down in and press. Make sure to press the casing up.
Cut two 2 yard pieces of cording. Burn the ends with a lighter so it doesn’t fray

With a safety pin feed one end of the cording through one casing. Feed the other end through the other casing. When pulled through even out the ends

Repeat with the other piece of cording but going the opposite direction. Your lose ends should end up on opposite sides of the bag.

Take the loose cording ends and slip about ¾ inch of them into the 1 inch hole in the bottom of your outer bad ***I told you that hole was important****

Edge stitch in order to close the hole and secure the cording.

Repeat for other cording ends
Pull the drawstring and you are done!!!!!


  1. Thank you for this fabulous pattern. I whipped out three last night as teacher gifts, with a few modifications: I used different fabrics for all three parts (the outside, lining, and casing) which made for a very colorful bag. And on the last bag, I eliminated the step where you attach the casing to the front and just pinned all three layers together and made one seam. Worked fine and saved me a little time.

  2. These instructions seem confusing to me! You say to cut a piece of 40 x 14 inch ON THE FOLD and you also say you only need 1/2 yard of fabric for each side. You would need an entire yard if you cut both pieces that size on the fold. This is impossible bag really big, anyway I had to find a different pattern, because your instructions need clarification in several spots.

  3. LOVE!!! I have made this countless times since Christmas. The Easter bunny brought drawstring in bright fabric for the kids. A Lakers one for the 14 yr old son! He loves it and all his friends want them with their teams. Thank you so much for posting this! It is such a simple pattern so easy to make! Thanks for taking the time to share!!

  4. Anonymous,

    1/2 a yard is 18". The fabric is 42-44". So yes, you only need 1/2 yard of each fabric to get a 40" x 14" piece of fabric.

  5. Hi :) Just showing you the bag I made using the tutorial http://www.flickr.com/photos/32474418@N04/8084692463/in/photostream

  6. Great tutorial! I made two of these for gift bags for my daughters friends, they loved them!

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