Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 6,7, & 8 giveaway!!

I can't seem to get it together, about posting these giveaways.  So, here is day 6, 7, & 8 giveaway.  We will pick 3 winners of a Roueneries Deux jelly roll.   YOU MUST BE A FOLLOWER OF OUR BLOG!!!  Then tell me if you are ready for Christmas!   Simple Simon!!  Good Luck!!


Fuhriman Family said...

No I'm not ready yet but I'm getting a little closer each day!!

Georgi said...

I'm SO ready for Christmas! Thanks for the chance to win (fingers crossed!)

Erin said...

Follow the blog and I am completely ready for Christmas!

Marilyn said...

No I am not ready yet, still sewing. Thank you for a chance to win.

Aleisha said...

I follow your blog and yes, I am ready for Christmas! Can't wait!

Annette DeVoll said...

Finishing up a quilt for my future step-daughter. Nice Christmas present! Otherwise, I am ready for Christmas!

Heather said...

I am ready for it to be over!! My kids are WAY to excited!

Deb said...

Yep I am all ready...just doing some baking today to finish off. Presents bought, wrapped and under the tree!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog ,and not quite ready for Christmas has been hard year was diabled in march , so trying to make all my family presents ,thanks fro a chance to win keep up the good work


Anonymous said...

I'm ready. Now I can figure out which pattern to use for my next quilt.

Lindsey said...

I'm a follower and I am so ready for Christmas. Also I have a ton of jelly roll projects. That moda bake shop gets me every time!

Candice said...

YES, I follow :) And ready or not here it comes (but thank goodness, I'm ready :))!

Melissa said...

I am ready- wrapped, stockings stuffers set, and neighbor gifts being delivered as we speak (type?) Hooray for Christmas- and giveaways!

Hifam said...

I'm a follower (psychdog) and I'm very ready for Christmas. Last week we went to all the kid's music concerts which was a lot of fun and put us in the Christmas spirit!
Jody H

Brenda said...

I'm a follower! Yes, I am ready for Christmas! :)
What a fun give away! Love it!

Creative Times with Sue said...

Nearly ready...just have to finish a little dolls quilt for my grand-daughter. Thank you for a chance to win. :D


BarefootThunder said...

yes I am a follower, and YES I am ready for Christmas !!

Phyllis said...

I am as ready as I can get. I have to wrap a few things...then bring it on! It will just be my husband, me and our daughter. She'll be here Thursday and will help me with a little baking.
I follow your blog. Would love to win the awesome fabric!

Nancy said...

No, I'm not. I'm never ready.

Diane said...

I am ready! I love your store too! Your blog is cute!

Christine M said...

I'm all ready to go! Pressies are wrapped and under the tree. Biscuits are baked. I hope I haven't forgotten anything!

Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

I am a follower and yes I am ready for Christmas!

tko said...

I'm almost ready...except grocery shopping and cooking! I follow you on facebook!

rose55 said...


Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I'm a follower and I'm NOT ready for Christmas. That poor tree has been sitting there for a week already with NOT one single gift under it. I have been procrastinating on the wrapping....as usual. It always gets done.

Tangii said...

I am soooo ready for Christmas! Presents are all bought/ordered and the baking is nearly half done!! I have the next 5 days to hang out and play with my kiddos :)

Anonymous said...

No, I am not ready for Christmas. Have to get through my daughter's 21st birthday first tomorrow. I was just in your shop today to get more fabric for gifts. Would love to win this giveaway as I can never get enough fabric!!!

Samantha said...

Yes I follow you! Also I have 2 more piano key borders to finish on a quilt, then the binding then I am done and totally ready! Since I finagled the week off from work I think I can have it all done by Thursday! WooT! Love that fabric!

Anonymous said...

Ready set Christmas! Count me done.

Kathryn said...

Oh, yes I follow your blog. And except for one gift, I'm ready to go for Christmas day.

Delores said...

I'm as ready as you get - we have a family birthday tomorrow and then it's only days till the big day. Still stitching of course, but looking forward to Christmas Day.

I am a follower.

Lisa Summerhays said...

I'm so close to done. Just a couple more things to finish making and a lot of wrapping to go...

Anonymous said...

I am following you! Well, your blog! I am ready for family dinner and family brunch! Ready for the new year! Shanna

life in red shoes said...

Put my name in the hat, I love French General!
And am I ready for Christmas......ARE YOU? hahahahahahaha

Family said...

I follow on FB and I don't know if I'll ever really be ready for anything....there is always something! thanks!!

kimmie's quilt's said...

No Im never ready for Christmas, but I would love love love to win your giveaway!! Thanks, Merry Christmas!!

Jen said...

READY! I finished shopping a while ago. Finishing up one crochet item, then LOTS of wrapping!

laurie said...

Are you kidding!?? I have never been ready for Christams no matter how early I start.

Tressa said...

I follow and love your store. I have to be ready for Christmas as it's coming up way too fast to do anything else.

Jennifer said...

I follow both from my blog and Facebook. I have one more gift to purchase and several to wrap then I'll be completely ready for Christmas!

Heidi said...

Nope, I'm still working furiously on a few gifts.

Abby said...

I am a follower! I am almost ready for Christmas except I have 2 more quilts do complete for people...is that cutting it too close? Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...


Lissa said...

ready or not here it comes:)

Joni said...

I wish I was ready for Christmas, too many things left to finish!

Needled Mom said...

NO WAY, but I hope to be by Saturday!!!!!!

LOVEthat fabric line. I am a follower!

lamse said...

Not ready. Not one present wrapped under the tree, but I seemed to find time to come into the shop! Thanks for the Christmas fabric sale.

Bailey said...

Nope...not ready, maybe after pay day on Thursday.

Sonia B said...

I follow. Are we ever really ready? I keep finding more things to do.

quiltma said...

I am a follower

quiltma said...

NO I am not ready

colleen said...

I am a follower and I'm ready for Christmas. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win a beautiful jelly roll.

Cantrell family said...

Will I ever be ready? I don't think so.

Cantrell family said...

I don't think I'll every be ready, only when it comes, then I be close!!!

Quiltin' Sandy said...

I am ready except for decorating the table which I will do Friday night. :) I finished my last baking a while ago.:)
I would love to win one of these gorgeous jelly rolls. I am a big fan of French General Designs.
Of course I am a follower!!
Merry Xmas from Sandy. :0)

mean sarah jean said...

Mostly ready. Still need to get a couple gifts and do some baking for Christmas eve party. Keep thinking of waking up early so I can get things done, but that thought only lasts a second :) merry Christmas!

Nicole Maki said...

I'm so absolutely not ready for Christmas... but I'll get there :-)

Janet said...

I am a follower who is not ready for Christmas....yet....but I think I will be in a couple more days.

karenlwillis said...

Just finished my last present tonight!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

For some reason my last post said it was from "Name Goes Here" so I had to go fix my account. LOL! Anyway,
Yep I'm totally ready for Christmas! And all the yummy food. :)

Janet said...

I am SO NOT ready for Christmas!! I just barely started my shopping tonight! I follow your blog.

baukje said...

I did not know this fabric was already available. I love those French general prints and because I live in France this should be the perfect Christmas present for me!!!!!I already am a follower.

Gill said...

I'm a follower! and I've just got back from the supermarket with my Christmas food shopping!

Four dogs and one quilter said...

No, I am not ready but I am a follower.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I work at the post office! I am not even close to being started. I am also having 12 over on Sunday.........I am soooooo in trouble this year!

clair said...

I'm a follower! I am almost ready. Just need one more gift for my children and I'm set.

Unknown said...

I've got all the stuff done!

Lee said...

Still sewing a few last minute extras! otherwise - Done! thanks!

mea5798 said...

merry christmas! i am now a follower of your blog..and since we are keeping christmas really simple..we are ready!
thank you, marie

Dorian said...

I'm a follower :)

And no, I am not ready, not yet. Although I DID get my C shopping done for the kiddo's yesterday...finally! Now I have to get to my baking. Merry Christmas.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Definitely a folllower....and not quite ready...all but some baking is ready...I will do that on Friday....have a dinner party with husbands family on Saturday..our boys and their families will be here for Christmas dinner....Merry Christmas.

Kellie said...

I am finally ready for christmas it took a whole weekend shopping but its done. Yeahhhhh Love your blog and store

Lee Ann L. said...

I guess I'm as ready as I can be. We're going to the grocery for last minute shopping and then heading on out to visit my Mother! Thank you for a chance to win. :-)

Stacy said...

we're ready and excited. our little baby girl will be 8 months old on Christmas Day. She is getting TONS of presents!! Thanks for the chance to win! Merry Christmas.

Annette said...

I'm a follower - I'll be ready for Christmas someday

Melissa said...

I am a follower via GFC and twitter. I am mostly ready for Christmas (2 small gifts left to wrap)

Julie said...

I am ready for Christmas. All wrapped and ready to go. I always follow your blog!!!

bubbygigi said...

I am a follower of your blog and I'm not ready for Christmas. I still have mountains of sewing to do, cards to write and cookies to bake.

deserae said...

I'm not ready yet!!!

RobotMomSews said...

I'm a follower! I am SO ready for Christmas....just gotta complete the binding on the last quilt and voila...ready freddie. :)

Michelle Jensen said...
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Michelle Jensen said...

Okay one of these days I am going to win I hope ;) This would be a great one for sure. Love the fabric!!! Love it!!

Okay I forgot to say I am ready, so I had to delete my last comment. I am ready and obviously have been hitting the eggnog too :)

Tracey said...

Yes I am a follower. No not ready for Christmas.

jane said...

I LOVE THIS FABRIC!! Even if I don't win, I want to get some of this!!
Almost ready. Just waiting for a package. Getting shopping list ready!! I love your blog!

girlsmama said...

If you don't count cooking and wrapping, I'm totally ready. Ha.

Amy C said...

I think I'm about ready now. I didn't think it was going to come together, but it is! I'll be glad to have it done tho.

Griffox said...

we had our family Christmas last weekend, so I had to really be ahead of the game, so I am ready for a relaxing Christmas this weekend.

Kristi said...

I'm ready for Christmas - I'm just not ready to fly out Christmas Eve for a family reunion...

Lorelei said...

Not quite ready, but hope to be done by Friday!

Head Ov Metal said...

I'm not ready! I need an extra weekend!

Carla G said...

I am so not ready for Christmas... the parcels have to been shipped to other cities, but I haven't finished the gifts for my family in town yet. The tree isn't even up... I think we need to back up the month and start it again. :) I'm a follower of your blog! :)

JustPam said...

I am a follower but I am not ready for Christmas. There are still a few days left!

Maggie said...

pants on the ground, pants on the ground!! loved that song, your song is "pants on wrong" :) I am ready for Christmas :)

Rosa said...

I`m not ready,still sewing.

Rosa said...

I follow.Thanks for the chance.

Merry Christmas!

Marcia W. said...

We are ready for Christmas! Hurray! This follower thanks you for the lovely giveaway too!

Jenny said...

not ready! not ready! a quilt to finish and four dolls to stuff and sew up!! ill get there! i follow your blog!

Patsy said...

I became a follower. Have always loved your blog, but only became a follower today. I am as ready as I am going to be for Christmas. My daddy has been in the hospital for 14 days, and in ICU 10 of those. Thanks to special friends and my wonderful children we have a Christmas dinner, presents wrapped, and Christmas lists completed. Have a blessed day!!

Lori said...

I'm a follower, and I am NOT ready for Christmas. I'm headed to my sewing machine now to see how much I can finish now that the little ones are asleep...before I fall asleep.

Sharon said...

Yes, I am a follower, love your blog and I will be ready about 15 minutes after everything is unwrapped Christmas morning! HAH HAH

Grandma Favorite said...

I've been a follower for quite a while, but never won anything! One more apron and I'm ready for Christmas. Bring it on!

Cindy said...

I am a follower of your blog - love it! and yes for once I am ready for Christmas! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway opportunity!

sandyandcosmo said...

I follow through GFC and I am actually ready for once!