Friday, December 23, 2011

Last Day of our Giveaways!!

Man, has the last 2 weeks flown by or what?  I can't seem to get myself caught up like many of you,  I am sure.  Our last giveaway is for a $75.00 gift card to the shop.  Yea, you can start a new project!!  YOU MUST BE A FOLLOWER OF OUR BLOG!  Second tell me what you would buy!!  Okay, lets get this started.  I will post the winner Monday!
Good luck!!


Erin Marie said...

Oh goodness, who knows what I'd buy. :-) Probably something to make a quilt for ME. It's about time, I think.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I'm a follower and if I won I would buy two of the Circa 1934 layer cakes to make a quilt for our bed.

Samantha said...

I'm a follower and I have no idea what I would buy. What I want fabric wise changes day to day. I really love the Grace charm pack or layer cake so likely that's what I'd get.

Dana said...

What a fantastic giveaway! My list is always long of fabric I need :) I currently have my eyes set on echo. shelby posted a darling quilt I need to make on pinterest.

drafter29 said...

What a choice... Not sure if it would be the batting & backings needed to finish what is already started, or a nice selection of batiks to do stained glass wall hanging quilts to baffle noise in the hall of our church.

Christine M said...

I'm a follower. If I was lucky enough to win I would choose a couple of layer cakes! Thanks for the chance. Merry Christmas!

ashleymhc said...

Beautiful fabric of course!!

Willits Family said...

Wow what a great give away! I would buy a pattern and fabric for matching dresses for my girls, 3 and 8 months.

Layne Bushell said...

I saw plenty to buy the last time I was there...oh wait, I did buy it! The bright colored chevron/polkadot with the gift card I will win, I'll get a pattern, more of that fabric, and the back and then I'll hid in the basement and sew sew sew! Thanks Nadine. Now pick me!

Layne Bushell said...

I saw plenty to buy the last time I was there...oh wait, I did buy it! The bright colored chevron/polkadot with the gift card I will win, I'll get a pattern, more of that fabric, and the back and then I'll hid in the basement and sew sew sew! Thanks Nadine. Now pick me!

Tressa said...

I'm a follower and if I won I'd buy lots of blue fabric because I really want to make a storm at sea quilt and I think I might have enough gumption to do it this year.

Grey Cat said...

I am a follower :)

As for what I'd buy... My big project for 2012 is going to be an applique BOM project. I'd be purchasing the fabric to make that come together.

Lisa Summerhays said...

Fabric, lots and lots of fabric. I just got into sewing this year and am LOVING IT! Maybe a pattern or two too. :)

Mary said...

I would buy more of Lori Holt;s Fabric "Daisy Cottage" and some of her new patterns too!

Tylynn said...

What would I buy? What wouldn't I buy! I would buy the fabric to make myself a new bedspread! But then I would have to re-paint... then make curtains. Hmmmm sounds like an awesome project for DH!

The Haynie's said...

Boy I love your shop!! You have such great fabric. I would buy the newest and cutest fabric for babies and make my 3 newest grandkids coming in January another quilt, 1 is a girl and the next are twins 1 boys and 1 girl!!

nattyg said...

I am an avid follower! I'd buy something orange or yellow... And some of that fantastic ruffle fabric to make dresses for my nearly daughters ;)

schaars said...

I would die for this right now.... I came in today and bought some of Riley Blakes Daisy Cottage for my little girls baby bedding. I am due in march and have fallen in love with the ring around the rosy quilt and want to make it with matching bumpers.

Melanie@Crafty Cupboard said...

Woo woo, this is what I need for Christmas :) I think I'd stock up on the basics, like dots, stripes, and small prints.

Erin said...

Follow the blog. I would buy another project for me to work on, maybe a spring project!

Carla G said...

I'd get the Circa 1934 layer cakes or jelly rolls. I'd have to decide on a pattern first. Thanks for a chance to win this awesome giveaway! I'm a follower too! :)

tko said...

Every time I'm there it's all new stuff that I haven't seen in Idaho and I can barely contain I guess I would go crazy and not limit myself so much....I'd buy some charm packs for sure and then some!

Barb Roper said...

I am a follower and found you through Melissa Brewster. I would choose some fabric for a quilt and valance for my daughters room. There is not much to choose from here on the Army Base in Grafenwoehr, Germany. And, fabric stores are hard to find except in the big cities. Thank you!

Delores said...

I am a follower and would love to win your giveaway!! Not sure what I would buy, but probably something to make a quilt for myself.

Melissa said...

I'm a follower, and I'd probably buy a whole bunch of fat quarters, because a girl can NEVER have too many fat quarters! Thanks for a fun week of giveaways!

robin said...

Awesome giveaway! I'm a follower, and I'd maybe get some Circa 1934. :)

quiltma said...

I am a follower. What would I buy?
That's a tough question......
jelly rolls???
layer cakes???
charm packs???

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to Follow you but it's not highlighting when I try to click on it. So, perhaps, you can add me to follow you.
The jelly roll for Winter looks scrumptious. And the kit to make the Snowballs looks like it owuld be perfect hanging on the wall. My email is and would ask you to please add me to Follow you since I can't seem to do so from this end. Thanks! Trish (Oh, and I don't have Facebook so can't follow you that way.)

Anonymous said...

I could do some damage with that! I would roam the store , then pick something special! Shanna

Anonymous said...

I am a follower. :) I would buy fabric...jelly rolls and charm packs and layer cakes. Oh my!

Deb said...

I am already a follower. I would buy some Ruby because I just love this fabric

dream quilt create said...

I'm a follower and sometimes a stalker! lol...$75 is a great giveaway! Merry Christmas!!!

Joan and Kevin said...

I am a follower!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Merry Christmas!
I would buy fabric!

Gill said...

I'm a follower!
I'd choose layer cakes - possibly circa 1934!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Merry Christmas, what would I buy, that would all depend on what Santa brings me Christmas morning, because you know, that no matter how much fabric you receive, there are always gaps to be filled to finish a project.

Rosa said...

I`m a follower.
What I`d buy?My wish list is very long,but to star I`d buy blues and whites fabrics to my Dear Jane quilt.Thanks for the chance to win.

Merry Chirtmas!!

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Yes I am a follower. Too many goodies to decide. Better wait and see if I am a winner first. LOL.
Merry Xmas. :)

Jenny said...

i follow. torn between circa 1934 and Ruby layer cakes...i love those two collections. 2012 is the year i make quilts for my own home!! merry christmas!

Steph F. said...

I'm a follower.

I would get the Ruby and Circa 1934 Layer Cakes!


Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Oh right now I have no idea what I would buy....I quilt constantly, so; it would definitely be used; whatever I chose...thank you and Merry Christmas

I am a follower

JustPam said...

I'm a follower. I have been in love with Ruby for a while so I would probably buy some of that.

Clair said...

I'm a follower! I'd buy fabric!

Esther said...

I would buy fabric. Love fabric. Maybe some Jelly Rolls or Layer cakes.

Shaunab said...

I would buy a slew of fat quarters and make a few quilts. Love Material Girls!!

Leigh Hadlock said...

I would buy the fabric to get my swoon quilt started! So fun! Love your shop!

Needled Mom said...

Fabric, of course! There are so many wonderful lines that I would love to work with.

Thanks for the fun giveaways. Merry Christmas to all.

All Things Neville said...

$75!!!!!!! Fabric galore!!!! I would buy pink fabric and make valentine's decor pillows :)

Sarah said...

yes, I'm a follower! I would have to stock up on some spring patterns for my kiddos and pick up a Ruby charm pack for this Indygo Junction "Gotta Have a Halter" patchwork dress pattern I just bought.

Lee said...

Wow - so much to choose from - might have to be Circa 1934 for a quilt! thanks for the lovely giveaways. happy holidays.

Kellie said...

I would buy lots of fun fabric with $75. The possibilities are endless.

Christine said...

I am a follower! I would buy ruffle fabric. I can't seem to get enough of it!

Fuhriman Family said...

I'd buy FAbric and more FAbric!!! LOVE IT!!

lindsey s. said...

already a follower....hmmmm. i have a loooonng list of things to buy!

Anonymous said...

I would buy fabric to get started on Christmas quilts for my daughters for next year! I LOVE your store!

Anonymous said...

I would get some new fabric for a spring quilt...i've made so many things for Christmas, I'm ready for a change!

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

I'm a follower and I would buy some fabric for a project just for me!

jane said...

I am a follower!! Love the store!! Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas!! Will be down to get fabric and get started early for the New Year!!

Anonymous said...


Phyllis said...

I would buy some layer cakes!

Heidi said...

I would buy a fat quarter of every polka dot fabric you have.

Hifam said...

I love your shop so much! I would love to buy fabric for a baby quilt. You have such a great selection of fabrics.
Jody H

Jessica said...

I would buy layer cakes (probably two) or any polka dots or Echo fabric - I haven't decided! I follow :)

Michelle Jensen said...

I am a follower and I would of course buy fabric!! I would love to make some spring things to put around the house after I have to take down the christmas tree :( but it will be nice to have things cleaned up and changed around :)

Marci Warren-Elmer said...

I am blog follower and I would load up on Domestic Bliss by Liz Scott. I love that new line and haven't purchased any.

Amber H. said...

Well, if I won, I would probably buy patterns, some trim, some fabric and some rulers. I'm local so I have the good luck of being able to drop in and shop in the store!

Abby said...

I would buy etchings wovens, and maybe a back to finish up a quilt project. Great giveaway!

Candice said...

uh, yes, i follow you like crazy!! i'd come in and go hog wild on lecein, half moon modern, domestic bliss, and some text/letter prints! Dream!!!! Thanks`

baukje said...

Oh please pick me.......

Carinne said...

I'm a follower! I think I would probaby stock up on some thirties prints for summer dresses for my daughter.

Bev said...

I'd browse to my heart's content, then pick some special patterns, fabric, and who knows what else! Yes, I am a follower. Have a very Happy Christmas.

Sonia B said...

Fabric of course. I'm working on a red quilt for next Christmas and gathering blues and greens for a king size bed-spread. Thanks for the chance. I'm a follower.

Kayli Taylor said...

I would love to win, I would totally buy a kit or lots of fabric! Thanks for the chance, I'm a follower.

Heather said...

I'm a follower. I would buy material to make a remembrance quilt for my sisters daughter who passed away this past year at the age of 16.

majones said...

There are so many things I would want to buy!!! I would love to buy a pattern and fabric for a new bag! But, there are always so many cute lines of fabric.

Tracey said...

I am a follower. I would use the gift card to make a quilt for my bed.

Anonymous said...

Pick me! Pick me! I am a follower! I would love to get lots of fat quarters or something for a new kaleidoscope quilt!

SoSarahSews said...

I'm a follower!

SoSarahSews said...

I would buy some fabric! Of course! And maybe some rulers....

Gwen said...

Oh, what a WONDERFUL prize!!! :-) I would choose some Ruby and Grace!.... *after* I came back to Earth, because I would be on Cloud 9! :-) What an incredible Christmas gift for the lucky winner!!!! Crossing my fingers-- better be careful though, I've got some cooking to do tonight, and using a sharp knife with crossed fingers *could* be a little dangerous! ;-) Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!

Annelies said...

I am a happy follower....and would love me some new jelly rolls or layer cakes. I have some patterns that I am hoping to make in the new year. Merry Christmas ALL!!!!

Marcia W. said...

I am a follower.

My $75 might go towards layer cakes. Perhaps Ruby (to use w/charms I have) and Circa 1934 (to use w/a jelly I have).
Thank you for the 11 days of fun and the giveaways! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

More fabric for more projects maybe to make a quilt or a new bag or even a little dress for my granddaughter! Thank you for another wonderful giveaway!

Grandma Favorite said...

I am a follower and I would buy a few Rounerries Jelly Rolls to make my mother-in-law a surprise quilt

Julie said...

I'm a follower and I would buy fabric from Lori Holt.

alex said...

I would buy some precuts, I have daughters that quilt too so they like to come to my house to shop and they raid my stash. But I love that they love to quilt and sew. Thanks for the giveaway.

dancin' momma said...

I am a follower, and I would buy anything pink or gray to make a quilt for my daughter's bday!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Im a follower! I would love some layer cakes!

Unknown said...

I've been loving making lap quilts lately so I'm sure I'd have to go with one of those!

Lissa said...

Im a follower and I could use that gift card up in a heart beat. Im dying to make a quilt just for me!

Momma Twitch said...

I follow you guys. I'd buy FABRIC!! :) I'm working on an awesome quilt for my oldest and I'm sure my other kids will want one too. :)

Kati said...

I'd buy fabric of course! I don't have anything specific I need right now, so it would probably just be to add to the stash.

Cheri C. said...

More Ruby!!! That is what I would choose UNLESS you have America Jane's Pez Prints!!!! Can't wait for those!!

Linda said...

I am now a follower. Not sure what I would buy, so much fabric and so many wondeful patterns... really do need to make a spring wall quilt. Thanks for a chance.

Bailey said...

Would love to buy lots of basics to build my stash...solids, stripes, polka dots etc!

deserae said...

I would buy some Good Fortune or Terrain. Anything by Kate Spain!