Yikes! I have been MIA. The shop has been crazy busy, and we have received ginormous shipments everyday that are sure to make your tummy rumble with delight, and the hafta haves!!! WE received SWEET by Moda today, oh my is this a cute line.... and Riley by Anna Griffin, and much more, We also have lots of new models up and they are really great! I have been painting my house and trying to get organized (ugh!!) I have my cousins who are from England coming to spend some time with me for several months!! I am so excited but I have come to the conclusion that if you run a business, something goes to %$e?? in a hen basket, and in my case it is my house. So I am back to my blogging friends, (and Martha Stewart please contact me if you are reading this I need help) I was also extremly forgetful that I ran a contest so Cindy you left the first comment on my blog, please contact me and I will get your late prize out to you!!
Sorry about the long post but I have a lot to say, I say more tomorrow!!!
Ta Ta for now!