Wow, is March really almost over? I can't believe it!! Since National Craft Month is almost to an end I decided we needed to have a giveaway!! Leave me a post on what you made this month and then become a follower of the blog, easy peasy!! I will be giving a "0Z" jelly roll. This line is such a great line, but all of them are great lines:)
Good Luck
Yippee! First comment! I have made my little girl a dress and a quilt along with 4 baby blankets for a little one on the way!
I made an apron from my sister using Swell fabrics and the Flirty Skirty Apron pattern. I loved it - but gave it to her, with a promise to myself to make one for myself next! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Oz fabrics! I want them all! I love Material Girls too! I want my own fabric store! :)
I made a KING size quilt. You already know how much I love love love your store but will say it again... I LOVE your store. Be there saturday.
The only thing I have had time to tackle this month is a crayon roll for my kids! But it was fun.... Looking forward to summer when I have more time to work on crafts.....
I started and finished two quilt tops and also finished three unfinished quilt tops that have been lying around for years! I would love to win the Oz and try to stop by Material Girls whenever I am the SLC area.
Love OZ! I just posted a pic of my Jack and Jill Hat that I made today on my blog. Also finished a quilt top and my BOM's!
I made a table runner for my mom's birthday! Also, I am already a follower!
I made a quilt for my in-laws 50th anniversary....well, almost done!
I made a blanket just need to add the ruffles!
I made two car seat blankets (canopies). I also made a bumper pad for my son due any day now! Ooh, ooh, pick me! I just became a follower, too. :)
Love Material Girls!!! I have made table runners,door hangers, finished a Christmas quilt I started long ago...Love the Grandmother's Flower Garden, need to get some of that to finish a table topper.. To much to choose from...love all of it..need to take my machine to the store and sew from there,and I'm sure I would get more sewing done
YEAH! I have made a few projects this month, my favorite would be a childrens apron made with red and white polka dots(Michael Miller ta-dot) with cherries on top!
I am also working on childrens activity wallets that are super cute for kids!
Thank you!
I have been making two quilts using Kaffe fabrics. Love that OZ fabrics so count me in.
I already follow your blog!
I haven't finished it yet, but I have been working on a Thimble Blossoms Wild Things Quilt for my baby.
Woohoo! Love this line - but you're right - they are ALL beautiful!! I am almost done with the top of my oldest son's quilt - that he has been waiting for for 2 years! My self inflicted deadline is March 31st ;). I am already a follower - I love seeing the new lines you show us!
oz is so great...thanks for the chance. i am a follower of your blog in my reader. my daughter and i made fabric covered easter eggs with a moda bakeshop tutorial. other than that, working on a charity quilt, but its not done! yay, go oz!
I made 2 cute girly-twirly skirts for my girls to wear for easter! Pick me! I always need new fabric!!!
I finished a baby quilt, made a car seat canopy, and FINALLY finished the Beverly Belle dress top (converted to a dress for my baby!) Yay! I'm already a follower (of course...)
I finished two bags this month, one from a great Lila Tueller pattern I picked up at Material Girls. The rest of the month will be consumed with cleaning out my sewing room- I'm kind of nervous about it.
Haven't had much time this month but I did make a bracelet with a ribbon flower similiar to one my daughter saw in a store-i'm a follower!
I made lots of things but my favorite is my signature block quilt that I finally sewed together.
Oh wow - Oz!!!! This month I made a quilt top using the Authentic line and the Merry-Go-Round pattern by Sandy Klopp. It turned out so cute and I just love it. I can't wait to get it quilted and start using it. Thank you for the opportunity on this fantastic give away.
I havent made a craft wtih fabric yet, because school's a priority. But, I love visualizing what to make from fabrics and my mother makes baby quilts, so it would be great getting materials from you, I'd have great excuest for making something cute! ;) I'm a follower on your fb page. (smileybear36@hotmail.com)
I just found your blog and shop, and visited your shop for te first time this month! I bought a pattern and fabric and made my daughters coats with Nicey Jane fabric. So cute!
I have several projects brewing for spring. I have one big push to finish the R,W,&B queen. I want to get it to the quilter so ?I get I get it back to enjoy this summer!
I am already a follower!
I have made 8 zippered bags for something that I'm doing. My daughters want them for make up bags.
I haven't had much time for quilting, but I have been helping my friends teach beginner quilting classes the entire month of March. I think they have caught the "bug"!
I'm in the process of making a quilt for my youngest daughter, so I've been collecting fabric for that. And right now I'm embroidering cute little hedgehog hexagons to incorporate into her quilt! You can see them on my blog!
I'm also making myself a top, but it's been put in the UFO pile.
I've been working on pillowcase dresses for my girls for the summer! I'm also a follower!
I made an heirloom blessing gown for the first of my three new grandchildren coming this year. Of course I'm a follower of yours, it's a huge highlight when you blog!
I was able to finish up a quilt I started in february, as well as quilted up some ufo's Yay! I can't believe how fast the month has flown by. I'm working on a row robin project this week.
I have made a dent in cleaning my craft room - yeah! The house will be for sale next week... then, I can tell you what I made out of fabric - more yeah!!!
I made a square in square quilt out of aster manor. It turned out way cute!
I'm now a follower!!!
oh my! how generous are you?!
what have I been working on--finishing--anything!
quilt tops, backs & binding!
I made this: http://cassanduh.blogspot.com/2010/03/finished-quilt.html
It is all from your store too! :) Pick me! I need to make a duvet cover for my bed, pillow cases, a bed skirt to resemble the quilt and a purse for my niece.
I am a follower and have been for awhile!! I made a skirt and am working on an apron! I also made a cute spring wreath for our front door!!
Yeah, I love this line! I need new fabric to start a new project. Thank you for the giveaway. This month the only thing I got done was my block for my block of the month group. I really need to get sewing more!
I made 3 aprons and finished 4 unfinished projects!
I made a table runner with three chickens on it and attempted to machine quilt it my self. I also bound three quilts and hope to get a fourth one done before the month ends. Oh yes and my daughter needed a baby blanket for a friend at work so I made one and a burp cloth to go with it.
I'm alreaddy a follower but this month I've been working on a quilt for my new grandbaby. It's made out of minky and flannel and is so soft and snuggly!
I finished lots of things this month. I finished my black and white sampler quilt, a whirlygig quilt with Verna, a gift quilt from Rainy Days, and skirts for my girls. I also made Henry the turtle the other day. I can't believe that was all just March!!
I finished two UFOS and started a new project. But the project I loved most of all, was teaching a friend how to quilt...
The look on her face said it all!
wow...it was a slow month! I made one baby quilt. But it is so cute!
I started a really fun quilt using the Dolce line of fabric and 2 super cute little scrappy hot pads that I love!
And yes, Im a blog follower too! :)
I made a pillow case.
And some ties and bow ties for my boys.
March was apparently not my best sewing month.
Oh yes, well I made a couple toppers and some dolls. Sew yes need more material girls.
I sent 3 quilts to the quilter
Wow! I definitely haven't made as many things as some of the others, but I have made quite a few fabric bows for baby Carson :) They are so adorable. I went into Material Girls twice last week to pick out more cute fabrics for the bows...love em all!
I follow and made a couple of wreaths. and worked on a couple of quilts. thanks
Let's see, I just bought a new sewing machine so I've been taking into to Bernina classes all month and with that I've made a few projects. Loving it. My goal is to try out new fabric stores, your's is on my list.
Hmmm....baby blocks, artwork for my son's room, an octopus, set of 4 coasters, ALMOST a knit baby hat...whatever I really have accomplished is an embarassing amount of crafting. I love that line, and I already follow :)
I finished the Christmas quilts for my nieces. We also tied 2 blankets for the Linus Project. I also finally hemmed a pair of jeans.
I made a birthday cake (out of fabric) for my friend's birthday! I can always use more fabric.
I worked on two baby quilts!
I am now following your blog.
I made a infant top and panties I have never sewn clothes so I was very proud of how it turned out,and I made a pillow cover for a Nuture pillow,baby bib this weekend will be working on a shopping cart cover for a baby,made hair bows for the first time.so this month I got over my fear of sewing other then quilts and rag quilts.and I will be working on some easter projests.so its been a busy month for and I have enjoyed every min
I made many kleenex cozies for friends, Easter quilt, and got another quilt cut out! Yea!!
I'm working on a dear jane quilt and made several blocks this month. In my spare time, I'm trying to do a few table toppers for family members. What a fun giveaway!!
I made an Easter / Birthday dress for my daughter as well as my usual hair clips. I make and sell hair clips and with Easter coming up, it was the perfect opportunity to update my inventory! I am now a follower of your blog as well and hope to be a winner of your beautiful oz bundle!
Thanks to you, I made a baby quilt for Kelan, two table runners, a flower pin and a list of future projects!!!
I have made curtains for my kitchen and a diaper bag for my cousin.
I have made a shamrock wall hanging, completed a banner top, worked on my yoyo project, did some hand quilting on a project. I am a follower of your blog.
I have made jewlery pouches for my sisters, church bags for my neices and a couple blankets for my son-
Been making charity quilts for Downy.
Love, love the OZ line.
I did nothing and am not happy about, I have a million projects in my head, that are screaming to get made.
I'm already a follower!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I made a baby hat and a headband. It's not much, but it's a start!
I bought a pack of vintage kimono silk and am making a quilt with it. Its not done yet as I am a rather slow quilter.
Ann (oceanian@lycos.com)
I used March to teach my girls to sew. They're made pillowcases to give away and stuffed animals to keep. I've started a mystery quilt.
I made a table runner with the Verna collection. I love it so much. Everyone that comes into my house comments on how cute it is. I want to make me and my daughter skirts from the collection. I am just having a hard time deciding which one to pick.
I made a new quilt top called "sea glass" it is amazing! i've made hair flowers/bows, table toppers, car seat tents... I have been a busy bee!!
I can't remember everything, but I know I made a birthday crown out of felt for my boys' birthdays. It turned out real cute and I'm excited for them to get to use it!
I like giveaways! This month I have made two pillowcase dresses. One using the new Riley Blake line. And I am already a follower.
I am still working on completing projects that I have started. I finished the buggy barn bunny quilt, a picnic nine patch made out of Elsie's kitchen, a buggy barn posie quilt (had enough posies to make two quilts). It is interesting to work on the things that I bought when I first started quilting and the things that I would buy now. My tastes have gone from easy to difficult. I love a challenge now in quilting. I have loved the line Oz. It is so bright and cheerful and have an idea of what I would make with it. Thanks for having such a great store. I am always inspired when I go there.
Oh spring bring such inspirations, and random snowy days, which enable me to finish my projects. I made a baby blanket from a moda bake shop idea, and I just finished a baby room (bumpers, curtain, and crib skirt) out of moda's hushabye. It's dang CUTE. Pictures on www.nataliegrange.blogspot.com
Thanks Nadine!
I made mini taggie blankets and burp cloths.
I am a follower
As a total hand sewer i'm slow to finishes, but i'm about to finish a ginormous quilt for my own bed - wonky squares!
This month I made a bunch of flower ribbon clips and some really fun pillowcases. I need some fun new fresh fabric so this would be perfect!
I am a follower!
I finished a boulliabase quilt for my son out of Diawabos. Two Schnibbles projects. A Fig Tree Club table runner and a BOM block. I love the Momo fabrics. Please enter me in your Oz drawing!
I finished a snowman table runner that I started 2 years ago (before my baby was born)! YEA!
I LOVE the OZ fabric -- Great colors. I've made two wall hangings and a baby quilt and started two lap quilts. I've also begun quilting an appliqued quilt, which is going to take a little time, but I'm enjoying the challenge.
I have made fabric flower after fabric flower, mostly my new fav... rosettes! pretty please pick me!
This month ha been busy I have many plans on the to do list.I was able to make a Burlap wreath & headbands for my daughters Easter basket!Please pick me!! C_bee29@msn.com
This month I made 3 boy baby quilts. And I also finished a lap sized quilt that is not my usual colors, but love it: I used 30's prints for stars and the sashing is a small black plaid that looks grey from a distance. Really different and really cute!
would love the chance to win. I just became a follower and am excited to read your blob. I did stop in Material Girls couple summers ago while traveling home from a reunion and It was a fabulous shop! Look forward to coming in the next time I am in Utah.
I just had 5 weddings in 11 months and was a little behind in the wedding quilts. Just finished the last one this week.
Now for me :)
I made a baby quilt, bumper pad set and basket liners for a baby shower. Super cute!
Also, in the works: 5 Easter dresses for my girls and a friends girls.....CUTEST dresses EVER!
I'd love to win!!! Thanks for the chance!
I am a follower!
Oh Boy I love a good giveaway! :-)
I have been working on two different quilts one is a butterfly quilt and its almost done and a teapot quilt. The tea quilt will be a year long work in progress because i host a flickr online qroup called 2010 tea/coffee quilt along and we post a block a month.
I also made two different pin cushions for members of my group because we had a pin cushion swap.
I also did several embroidery pieces. Okay I think thats it. :-)
If I win you can contact me here
I joined your blog!
Well I have made a baby quilt and still working on the 50th anniversary quilt. Waiting for pictures. I am a follower. See you soon. Roxie
I have made two personalized bags and 4 blocks for my first quilt.
I finished four baby blankets for the Sheltie Rescue shelter, and am working on a full size fairy quilt for my daughter.
I had SO MANY things I wanted to start this month, and never got too:( I have to tell my self I cant start another project until I finish my daughters quilt. But, next on the list is a cute little pink fig dress for my youngest.
I started making fabric flowers and love them, i get asked all the time about them!!! tiffanyandgreg.blogspot.com
Sweet!!! I have made 80 fabric flowers, 40 fabric headbands, and almost done with 30 baby fabric flowers. All made from material I bought at my most loved store... MATERIAL GIRLS!!!!!!
I have been making baby blankets like nobodies business (6 in 3 weeks). Love your store!
Forgot to mention in my comment yesterday that I am already a follower and will continue to do so!
Oz fabric rocks! I made a twinish size quilt for my Mom. It's a zig zag pattern which I tried to do all in neutral tones. In the end I don't think it made the cut for neutral but it definately qualifies as an earth tone quilt.
I am now a follower! Thanks for the music, loving it.
I've made an alphabet quilt at a retreat, a Kim Diehl quilt and am currently working on pillows and hotpads.
I would love to win this!!!
ps I am now a follower!!
I've almost finished a baby quilt top and have finished 4 receiving blankets. The blankets, using sculptured minky (the sample I copied from your store display)has been a hugh hit at the last three baby showers. Thanks for the great idea!
I made a couple of cute charm pack skirts and worked on a humanitarian quilt. I also came to your store on National Quilt Day to buy fabric for my next quilt! Thanks for the 10% Off!
I have made a baby quilt (Pieced front and back), finished a quilt I have been working on for a while, and started a pinwheel sampler quilt with the Hunky Dory layer cake I bought in your shop last week. It's been a great sewing week for me!
And I am already a follower of your blog through Google Reader =0)
I will follow you...
Oh, wait.... You didn't want us to burst into song... ;)
I've been a busy girl! Nothing is blogged yet, but so far this month I have finished a baby quilt and a wall hanging, I have one wall hanging sandwiched and ready to be quilted, one quilt at the quilters, and one table runner waiting to be finished. Yep, I've been busy and the month isn't finished yet!
I made some burp cloths for my baby. No time for anything else, because after all, I did just give birth! But I'm excited to get back to my projects.
I made some baby gifts and several bags. working on some quilts right now.
This is fun fabric!
I've attempted to make several things .. mostly still all works in progress .. sigh. I love a give-away, but seldom get the random # .. so have pity & give it to me :)
Saturday was my first time in your shop. A friend of mine told me I had to come-so I did and I LOVE IT! The variety of fabrics is amazing! And I got 10% of for crafters month! Hello-perfect day for me.
I make rag quilts. I am making a red & brown one right now for baby gift.
I've made a couple of aprons! I follow!
I finished two baby blankets for our newest Granddaughter to be, and started on burp pads. So excited for this new life and new Spring. Thank you for everything.
Vicki R
I worked on Marie Peagler's table runner of the month and I am in the Pinwheel sew along and Jelly roll sew along...
So nothing big, but enough to keep me busy :)
I LOVE this fabric!
I folow!
I made a table runner for March!!!
I have been making fabric floral pins.
I have made a little man tie, some bbokmarks with my daughter and have been working on a baby quilt. I hope you pick me.
I have made multiple diaper and wipes cases for my sisters. I also made cell phone holders for myself and my daughter.
I love all your fabric!
Love the Oz line. I just finished a baby quilt with the Swanky honey buns. I'm a fb fan. al5 (dot) williams (at) sbcglobal.net
I didn't have a lot of time this month so I only made a baby rag quilt and worked on my Crazy Heart Buggy Barn quilt. That buggy barn is taking me forever! I hope I win :)
It was a super busy month so I didn't get as much sewing done as I would have liked to. I completed a baby rag quilt and worked on my Crazy Heart Buggy Barn quilt. That buggy barn is taking me forever! LOL
New reader and now a follower. I've been making quilts with tulips on them - makes a nice spring gift.
Patty D
I did not sew a lot this month, but I got something finished... First part of a mystery quilt is done, can't wait until the next part is revealed! And a mini for a swap was also done.
The Oz fabric is wonderful, thank you for a chance to win!
And right after I post this comment, I will become a follower:-)
I made a charity quilt for a little boy named Griffon. It's a bright coin stack. I also have another quilt top and back (a disappearing 9 patch in Boutique by Chez Moi) ready to be quilted! Oh, and some blocks for the two quilt alongs I am in.
Oh this has been a BUSY month! I have a lot of projects going on, about 10 different ones. I think the biggest thing is that I have submitted 2 different designs to Moda and they liked them! So now I waiting to receive the fabric so I can make them! I am soo excited for that, now I can die a happy woman because I was on Moda Bake Shop! LOL I am also a follower!
I would love to win a jelly roll. I'm using oz in the helly roll sampler. I would like to have another one to work with
This month I made a baby quilt for a friends baby that is here in NICU at Childrens Minneapolis, my DQS8, a patchwork scarf & several bee blocks! And I wish it was even more! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love contests! I am just about done with my first Crazy Shortcuts Quilt. It was as easy as pie! I am already planning the next quilt
Wow, what haven't I made this month! I made 10 crayon/marker rolls, 1 diaper bag, 1 tote bag, 3 aprons, 2 chef hats, 2 wonky journal covers, a quilted table runner, and a partridge in a pear tree. Well, not really the partridge in a pear tree, but I did do the rest of it! :)
I made a bunny table runner.
I'm into English paper piecing at the moment and am in the middle of a funky modern hexagon quilt - made jsut for me!
I made a queen size quilt and 3 pillows to match.
I made fabric easter Eggs for my two year old to hunt this year...they even have a pocket for a goodie!!
My project for the month was to finish piecing a twin quilt for my granddaughter to take to college. I is now with my friend the machine quilter. I'll sign up to follow you next.
Kathie L in Allentown
My project of the month was to get my back healed but I also made 2 sets of placemats and napkins.
I made matching aprons for my 2 year old daughter and I.
i adopted a local girlscout troop. i made 15 wonder wallets and 15 drawstring bags for the troop which they loved. now i am working on a st. patrick's day/spring quilt for a friend and then onto make some 18" prayer quilts for a hospice center.
I made a bright pink and orange baby quilt.
i just finished a quilt top for my soon-to-be nephew!
Great giveaway! Please count me in! I made two quilts for children and more baskets.
I already follow your blog!
I pieced together my second quilt top. The blocks were each made by ladies in my quilt group. Also, I've made a few funky sock monkeys!
I'm a new follower - thanks!
cute! this has been a good month for me. I made two baby quilts for two friends having babies soon, several pot holders and pin cushions and a table runner!
(maybe it doesn't sound like much, but I'm a beginner!)
March was a productive month! I finished three quilt tops and sent them out to be quilted, AND I made a baby quilt with matching burp clothes and bibs! I love OZ fabric!
I've made an iowa state team quilt for a friend.
love the fabric for the giveaway!
I made a dollie quilt for one grandniece to play with when I babysit her. Would really like to try the Oz fabrics. mlwright29 {at} hotmail {dot} com
now I follow Material Girls too...
I have been working on a quilt for a new baby coming in July (not mine, just a good friend)
Thanks for a Sweet Giveaway!
I've made a pink 'n white crib quilt for our local Unwed Moms Closet. So cute!
Thanks so for sharing!
I made a quilt for a friend's baby and a fun apron using Oz!
I follow your blog now too.
ooh...that jelly roll is mighty appealing. This month I really was working hard. I managed to finish 1 quilt, started several others, make labels, make a BOM, and some stuffy sock monkeys for Haiti. Thanks for the chance at that Oz jelly roll.
I made one baby quilt for my Etsy shop, one for a friend's new baby, a Scruffily Lap quilt for my cousin's 21st birthday. Three table runners for my mom to give as gifts ... can't remember beyond that. I signed up to follow your blog.
New reader, new follower. I've made a total of 4 blocks for my bees, a mini quilt, and 3 quilt-a-long blocks. Oh, and hand-basted 50 2" hexagons. But I haven't "finished" anything this month!!
This month I finished my crochet baby blanket, made a lunch bag for myself, and am almost done making the quilt top for my own hope valley quilt! Thanks for the giveaway, great choice of fabrics!
I'm now following the blog!
I have made a new quilt and accent pillows for a make over of my daughters room. Time to sophisticate it up! Also some baby gifts and some wonderful fabric flower pins out of charm squares.
I have made a hexagon quilt out of Peas and Carrots - love it! A block quilt of Objects of Desire. Unfortunately my sewing machine has died so now I am going to get caught up on finishing the binding of 3 quilts.
I'm working on a bunch of baby quilts to sell on Etsy. Have 5 done!
I finished a baby quilt for my new niece or nephew, started two other baby quilts, and am in the midst of piecing together a monster of a quilt. Also made an oven mitt, a chair pad and a coaster. Oh, and a block for a charity quilt. Gee, I've done more than I thought.
I'm working on several quilts...always...and I made a cover for my SIL's puppy bed w/ their names embroidered...she saw ours and liked it!
I made some tote bags, rice heating pads and working on a baby quilt... I follow... thanks
I made a tote bag for myself, an oven mit for a guild swap, a quilt for a friend, a quilt for kids quilt and an Easter dress with Anna Maria's new empire dress pattern for myself whew....I was busy!
I just became a follower. I just finished a log cabin quilt which I have posted on my blog!!! it was a huge undertaking for me and I am thrilled that I actually finished it.
I made a quilt for Quilts for Kids. Love the Oz fabric, thanks for the giveaway!
I now follow your blog and this month I finished 6 squares for my block a month quilt (I was a little behind).
I hope I win!!!
I made a scarf for my Nana. I made some sample quilt blocks for a guild demonstration. I made two three blocks (every one that has been posted)for a quilt along. I made another scarf, like Nana's because the lady saw it and wanted to buy one. And I made some scrappy blocks just to be doing something on a Saturday.
I made a baby quilt and a smaller version of the quilt with a matching shirt for a new teddy bear. All for my first grandchild.
This month has produced 4 baby quilts, three decorative pincushions and six dinky pincushions. This fabric is beautiful. Thank you for the chance to win.
First I made an Easter dress for my daughter, then I made another one because the first one was too small...Whoops! I also pieced 2 quilt tops, and have one of those quilts ready for binding!
I haven't really sewn anything this month, just mended clothing. :) I've been a bit busy but I have been indulging in other hand crafts and am finishing up a blanket.
I've been playing with Moda fabric: a nine-patch of Cotton Blossoms, the pinwheel quilt-along of p.s. i quilt with The Caroler, and a made couple little friendship bags of Wonderland!
I made a quilt top and back for my dad's birthday in April (it's all basted waiting to be quilted...)
now a follower!
I've been helping 4 ladies from work make a quilt for a gal who is retiring...it's been quite the adventure, but wow did it turn out lovely!!!
The only thing I finished this month are two blocks for a charity. worked on four WIP though and definitely forging ahead with them!
I made 1 full baby quilt this month, 1 a 1/2 of the way done and 1 all that's left is to hand bind it.
I haven't made a whole lot this month. I've cute some squares for a vintage sheet throw/quilt and I've knit a couple dishcloths. I am going today to order a new sewing machine and I have loads of stuff that I would like to make after it arrives.
Made some burp cloths and a baby quilt. Thanks for the give away.
Just became a follower.
I made two quilted purses and a table runner. Just learning and loving!
I became a follower. I have made a couple of baby quilts this month.
I made a large string quilt for my niece, 3 child size rag quilts, a wall hanging, Easter table runner and rag doll quilt. wow i did do a bunch this month.
I have made a throw quilt for a friends wedding in June... I'm ahead of schedule and pretty happy about it. I also made a zig zag top out of Wonderland for myself using the ORB quilt-a-long tutorial.
I had a busy month, I made a king size quilt, black and white. I throw size quilt, Rouenneries, my favorite fabric at the moment, 10 fabric baskets to sell and a quilted pillow, arcadia, another of my favorites.
This month I made 2 crib size quilts. One with Tractors for my nephew and one that I quilted with flowers and butterflys for my daughter!!!!!
This month it was embroidering for me, mostly texts, like: Schlafen kann ich wenn ich tot bin (I can sleep when I'm dead)... very relaxing!
And I started following your blog!
this month i have made many things...a variety of quilts really. finished some old and started some new and made a mini or two!!!
i am now becoming a follower
Wow what a great giveaway love OZ and I don't have any, thanks for the chance. I have made some needle cases and a couple of pin cushions and some hexies this month.
I am now following.
I've started a hello Betty Piece of Cake quilt (not quite finished yet though). And I finished a quilt for my son (Road to Spring Quilt Along) and joined two other quilt alongs.
I made a table runner for my sister and a small purse for her cellphone.
Thanks for the chance to win!!
I am new to quilting and I started a star buggy barn quilt. It is turning out so cute and I am surprised at how easy it is. :)
I also started cutting out the fabric to make cushions for the window seat. I am impressed with everyone's projects. I need to get sewing!
I follow your blog now. P.S. I love your shop name! I have a shirt from M's concert that says Material Girl on it. I secretly know it means fabric.
This month, I worked on a refashioned skirt with my 11 year old. Took a denim skirt, cut off the bottom 2/3 of it and added four sections of purple fabric.
I follow your blog. I' been so busy this monthe, but I was able to start and finish a baby size coin quilt.
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