Have you heard? We are the newest addition to the Wasatch Front Shop Hop. If you don't know what the shop hop is, it is a 4 day party, with 15 local quilt shops. Happening June 16-19. Mark your calenders now ladies it is going to be a whole lot of FUN! Check out the blog for more information www.wasatchfrontshophop.blogspot.com
I wish I could experience it! I'm here in Illinois wishing you all happy hopping. Thanks for the giveaway!
ahhhhh!!!! CONGRATS!!! i've been once and it was a blast!!!!
great news!! wish i could go
I'm so excited you are going to be in the Shop Hop I can't wait!
Sounds like a blast. I will have to check it out!
Oh, you have the BEST quilt store EVER!! Wish I could shop there every week, but 4 times a year is all I get to, when I'm in town. I dropped a bundle there a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for having the greatest selection of fabrics anywhere!
Congratulations! I always thought that this sounded like fun but never knew when it was until people blogged about how fun it was! I'm thinking I'll join in the fun this year!
Yea for Material Girls!!! I still remember a couple of years ago when you stood outside your new location waving your arms in your witch costume so I could find you and the shop! LOVE your store!!!
Yay! My daughters (ages 7 and 9) take turns going on shop hop with me and we have so much fun! I figure it's a good way to train the girls early...
I think I will join this year. I participate in the Shop Hop across the US every month and love to explore new shops. Thats how I originally found your shop.
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