For those of you who are doing the "Farmers Wife Quilt Along" this is a super great tutorial from
Bee in my Bonnet Who doesn't need a very cute design board. Lori, is in my 30's group "Yo Yo Mama's" and she always comes in to the shop with the cutest
"stuff" pincushions, projects, purses you name she has it! She is amazingly
talented!!! People who know her would totally agree. Her first line of fabric "Sew Cherry" is fabulous and oh, so Lori. She is the one responsible for my hexy addiction, my yo-yo yammerings, and I love her so!! So, hop over to her blog and tell her I sent you. You will fall in love with her and her blog!!
Cute design board! |
I met her for the 1st time today. I was kinda nervous about saying Hello, but she is soo nice.
Wish some of her uber-talent would rub off on me :)
Word veri-messess, yep,I make em!
I loved her boards when she did the tuts on them. I really want to make some for myself.
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